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The Vital Role of Proper Hydration in Enhancing Sports Performance

The importance of hydration in sports performance.

When exercising, it's important to drink enough fluids. It is important to drink enough water before training so that you are well hydrated when training begins. However, drinking water during and after exercise to replace fluids lost through sweating can also help maintain fluid balance to maintain energy levels and performance [1].

Hydration ensures that the body has enough water to perform its basic daily functions properly, namely H. Transports blood throughout the body. The body loses water throughout the day through sweating, breathing, and urination. Therefore, it is important to drink water regularly to rehydrate, especially when sweating increases during exercise, to prevent dehydration [1].

As endurance athletes strive for excellence, they must recognize the symbiotic relationship between hydration and performance. Whether you're training or competing, proper hydration is key to reaching your maximum potential. Triathletes in particular should pay attention to their hydration strategies and should also pay attention to equipment that can enhance their performance [4].

This brief scoping review summarizes key aspects of fluid management in exercise (Table 1), specifically endurance training (duration 0.5–5.0 h) and ultra-endurance training (duration 5.0 h), and provides practical guidance. The focus is on the health risks associated with underhydration and overhydration (i.e., conditions of relative lack or excess of fluids), as well as prevention and treatment strategies. Importantly, this work does not comprehensively analyze and discuss all aspects related to hydration and nutrition management for athletes during competition, training, or recovery. These references can direct interested readers to the broader literature [5].

Optimizing hydration is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Athletes must adjust hydration strategies based on factors such as activity intensity and duration, climate conditions, and individual sweat rates. Pre-exercise hydration, intra-exercise fluid intake, and post-exercise rehydration all play an important role in maintaining an athlete's fluid balance [4].

With proper hydration, your body will be able to perform its best. Water lubricates your body so you can regulate the body’s temperature through sweat and joints so that you can move better. Hydration for athletes is essential to maintain normal blood circulation because this aids the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to every working muscle in the body. To stay hydrated, it is good to practise carrying a bottle of water around, especially during training[1].

Hydration refers to the process of providing adequate fluids to our bodies, enabling them to perform at their best. The human body is composed of approximately 60% water, making it an essential component of our existence. Water plays a fundamental role in various bodily processes, including digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and waste elimination[3].

How to optimize hydration for peak sports performance.

As endurance athletes strive for excellence, they must recognize the symbiotic relationship between hydration and performance. Proper hydration is the key to unlocking peak potential, whether in training or competition. Triathletes, in particular, should pay attention not only to their hydration strategies but also to the gear that can elevate their performance[4].

This brief scoping review summarizes important aspects of hydration management in sports (Table 1), particularly for endurance (0.5-5.0 h duration) and ultra-endurance exercise (5.0 h duration), and offers practical guidance. It focuses on the health risks associated with hypo- and hyperhydration (i.e. the situation of a relative lack or excess of fluid) and on preventive and therapeutic strategies. Importantly, this work does not comprehensively analyze and discuss all aspects related to hydration and nutrient management during competition, training, or recovery in athletes. The references may guide the interested reader towards more extensive literature[5].

Optimizing hydration is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Athletes must tailor their hydration strategies based on factors such as the intensity and duration of their activity, climate conditions, and individual sweat rates. Pre-hydration, during-exercise fluid intake, and post-exercise rehydration all play vital roles in maintaining an athlete's fluid balance[4].


1. Importance of Hydration in Sport: Hydration Strategies For Athletes. (n.d.) Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
2. Workout Hydration: The Ultimate Guide to Staying Hydrated for Optimal Performance. (n.d.) Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
3. The Importance of Staying Hydrated for Optimal Health. (n.d.) Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
4. The Crucial Role of Proper Hydration in Endurance Sports: Unveiling the Secret to Peak Performance. (n.d.) Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
5. Hydration Management in Sports. (n.d.) Retrieved December 13, 2023, from 

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